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What are the cell sample concentration requirements?

Cells should be in a single-cell suspension in any conductive cell culture medium or buffer.

The ideal input is a minimum of 150,000 cells in at least 1ml cell culture medium or buffer.

1ml is the minimal volume required to use with the cell strainer.

IMPORTANT: When using lower volumes (i.e., <1ml), it is not possible to use the cell strainer to filter the cell suspension. In this case, please contact technical support at for further recommendations.

Once the cells are filtered, please adjust the cell concentration to 1.5.10^5 cells/ml. Then 15µl will be used for the sample preparation with the LUTHOR scd buffer for a final working concentration of 15cells/µl (15.000 cells/ml).

IMPORTANT: Lower cell numbers can also be used (down to 100 cells). Please contact technical support at for further information.

NOTE: If cells tend to aggregate, it is possible to optimize the medium using serum-free, Ca2+/Mg2+- free medium, or by adding chelators, DNase, or anti-clumping compounds.

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