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What input amounts should I use?

FFPE tissue sample input should be 100-800 mm2 in surface or 1-15 mg in weight, and up to 10 µm in thickness. For higher input amounts, we strongly recommend performing a pilot experiment first to evaluate RNA extraction efficiency. If you have questions, please contact

Below are general recommendations for maximum input, depending on the thickness and surface area of the FFPE slices:

Slice thickness

Maximum input

5 µm

1 slice with 1,600 mm2

2 slices with 800 mm2

3 slices with 530 mm2

4 slices with 400 mm2

10 µm

1 slice with 800 mm2

2 slices with 400 mm2

3 slices with 260 mm2

20 µm

1 slice with 400 mm2

2 slices with 200 mm2

3 slices with 130 mm2

4 slices with 100 mm2

For lower inputs, please refer to the following FAQ: How can I increase my final yield?

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