What is the difference between LUTHOR HD 3' mRNA-Seq and QuantSeq 3’ mRNA-Seq?
LUTHOR HD utilizes an initial in vitro transcription (IVT) step before the production of cDNA and its amplification.
The initial IVT amplifies the original mRNA molecules and enables the generation of libraries from ultra-low input RNA, down to the single-cell level.
LUTHOR HD includes a 12nt UMI sequence located at the beginning of Read 2, introduced during oligo(dT) priming.
LUTHOR HD requires asymmetrical paired end sequencing to read out the UMI.
QuantSeq FWD
QuantSeq utilizes a different chemistry where no pre-amplification step is employed, and therefore requires higher RNA input amounts.
QuantSeq captures the 3' end of transcripts by oligo(dT) priming and reverse transcription.
After removal of the template RNA, the second strand is generated by random priming and extension, using a DNA polymerase.QuantSeq is best sequenced with single read sequencing.