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Why does the product label have a different number to the Catalog Number I ordered?

You will order your products using a Catalog Number (Cat. No.). However, many of our catalog products are modular and consist of one or more “parts”.

Here is a short example of how our Part and Catalog Numbers fit together.

Cat. No. 175.24 (CORALL V2 RNA-Seq Library Prep Kit with 12 nt UDIs (Set B1) 24 preps) consists of the following Parts:

  • M16924 - Library Generation Module

  • M17096 - Library Amplification Module

  • M02296 - Purification Module

  • P10596 - Set B1 UDI Index Plate

The full part number on each box will look something like this: M16924-2-0100 (see this FAQ for more details).

How do I know which parts go with each catalog number?

You can find the list of part numbers that make up each product Catalog Number on the delivery/packing slip that is included with all of our shipped products.

If you cannot locate your packing slip please contact and provide your purchase order number, and/or order confirmation number and we will be happy to confirm the correct product part details for you.

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