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Where do I find the code for the included QuantSeq data analysis?

All QuantSeq FWD and REV kits are supplied with a code for free data analysis. Please see our Data Analysis FAQs for more information on platform availability.

In the new QuantSeq packaging system, a code can be found on a label located on the cardboard above the microtube holder (Figure 1; or one of the holders, if the kit contains more than one). The microtube holder/s can be found inside the Library Generation Module box (stored at -20 °C).

Figure 1 | Location of the Activation Code sticker on the QuantSeq V2 Kit microtube holder.

Codes for additional runs can be purchased from Lexogen by contacting the sales team at For further questions, please contact

ATTENTION! Codes are valid 2 years after the purchase of the kit.

ATTENTION! The input file size is limited to 1.5 GB per fastq(.gz) file.

If you have larger input files, please check this FAQ: or contact

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