Where do I find the code for the included QuantSeq data analysis?
All QuantSeq FWD and REV kits are supplied with a code for free data analysis. Please see our Data Analysis FAQs for more information on platform availability.
In the new QuantSeq packaging system, a code can be found on a label located on the cardboard above the microtube holder (Figure 1; or one of the holders, if the kit contains more than one). The microtube holder/s can be found inside the Library Generation Module box (stored at -20 °C).

Figure 1 | Location of the Activation Code sticker on the QuantSeq V2 Kit microtube holder.
Codes for additional runs can be purchased from Lexogen by contacting the sales team at sales@lexogen.com. For further questions, please contact support@lexogen.com.
ATTENTION! Codes are valid 2 years after the purchase of the kit.
ATTENTION! The input file size is limited to 1.5 GB per fastq(.gz) file.
If you have larger input files, please check this FAQ: https://faqs.lexogen.com/faq/my-fastq-files-are-bigger-than-1-5-gb-what-should- or contact support@lexogen.com.