How are my CORALL data analyzed with Kangooroo?
The CORALL data analysis pipeline includes:
MultiQC analysis of raw FASTQ files (multiqc V1.5)
UMI extraction
Trimming (Cutadapt V1.18)
MultiQC analysis of trimmed FASTQ files (multiqc V1.5)
Alignment (STAR V2.6.1a)
MultiQC analysis of aligned files (multiqc V1.5)
UMI collapsing (more info can be found here)
Mix² for transcript isoform quantification (Mix² is a Lexogen´s proprietary software, for more information please visit our webpage Mix² RNA-Seq Data Analysis Software)
Gene counting (FeatureCounts V1.6.4)
Differential gene expression analysis (DESeq2 V1.18.1)