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Is there a size limit for the FASTQ file?

The voucher code includes a limited amount of quotas (GB) to upload the FASTQ files.

For QuantSeq data, up to 36 GB, 144 GB and 576 GB can be uploaded for kit sizes of 24, 96 and 384 reactions respectively. This corresponds on average to FASTQ file size of 1.5 GB per sample.

For LUTHOR HD data, up to 36 GB and 144 GB can be uploaded for kit sizes of 24 and 96 reactions respectively. This corresponds on average to FASTQ file size of 1.5 GB per sample.

For CORALL data, up to 240 GB, 960 GB and 3840 GB can be uploaded for kit size of 24, 96 and 384 reactions respectively. This corresponds on average to FASTQ file size of 10 GB.

If FASTQ files slightly exceed the size limit, you can attempt to compress your files. Please see the following FAQ for additional information: My FASTQ files are bigger than 1.5 GB what should I do?

If needed, additional quotas can be purchased separately at The respective size limit for these codes also applies for the data analysis.

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