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Which library prep kits are compatible with the new PCR Add-on and Reamplification Kit V2?

The new PCR Add-on and Reamplification Kit V2 (Cat. No. 208) is compatible with the following products:


  • QuantSeq V2 with UDI (Cat. No. 191-196, 222-223, 225)

  • QuantSeq-Pool (Cat. No. 139)

  • CORALL RNA-Seq V2 (Cat. No. 171 - 186, 219-220, 233-234)

  • LUTHOR HD (Cat. No. 204, 221)

  • LUTHOR HD Pool (Cat. No. 205)

Library reamplification

  • All QuantSeq library prep kits

  • QuantSeq-Pool (Cat. No. 139)

  • All CORALL library prep kits

  • All LUTHOR library prep kits

  • Small RNA-Seq library prep kit (Cat. No. 052, 058, 135)

This kit is not compatible with:

  • TeloPrime (Cat. No. 013)

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